Husk Power System powers 12,000 households in Bihar

Biomass gasification system generates electricity from rice husks.With billions of people residing in rural areas of the world still striving for some electrons to brighten their lives, a team of Indian inventors have developed a unique power system that is illuminating over 12,000 households in rural Bihar, an eastern state of India.

Dubbed the Husk Power System or HPS, the system utilizes discarded rice husks, collected after the milling process to generate electricity using biomass gasification process. The gasification requires a metal box with a furnace where rice husks are ignited in temperatures in excess of 400 degrees Celsius.

The process results in the creation of some gasses and a byproduct called rice-char. The system is being claimed to be much cleaner than generating power by coal or diesel, which accounts for hundreds of tons of carbon emissions.