Google Nose, the new Online Smell Search Engine

google noseSearch Engine Giant Google has launched Google Nose (Beta), an online smell search engine.  It leverages new and existing technologies to offer the sharpest olfactory experience available:

The Search Engine allows you to collect the Smell using various devices and find out the name of the Substance smelled along with its composition.

The Technology employs patented SMELLCD™  technology which is 1.8+ high-resolution compatible for precise and controlled odours.

In an statement Google’s Chairman Eric Schmidt said, that this innovation is in deep sync with Google’s mission of making world’s information publicly available.

In order to identify various Odors, Google Engineers have developed a huge Aromabase  of 15 M+ scentibytes. The Company also plans to allow Third party developers to use this Aromabase for developing Apps for Android and Google Chrome.

Asked whether Google plans to include Nose in its much anticipated operating System Chrome, a Google Engineer who is continuously getting offers from Facebook said on condition of anonymity that Chrome would have Smell Recognition as an extra layer of enhanced security. The Operating System maynot boot at all if you are smelling badly on a certain day.


NOTE: This article is a work of satire and has been based upon April Fool Hoax by Google called Google Nose.