Ashleigh Blake, a Miss Universe Contestant has sued Miss Universe Organization over Sexual Harassment by one of its Recruiters named Domingo Rodriguez.  She filed the Lawsuit yesterday claiming $200K in damages.
According to Reports published in TMZ,  Blake says that she met the accused in his car in a Starbucks parking lot, where he demanded oral sex in exchange for fast-tracking her to the top of the modeling world.
Blake’s story was made public back in March after she posted a YouTube video about the incident. She also shared screenshots of her Messages to Rodriguez with Jezebel Magazine.
Reports say that  Domingo Rodriguez, was employed by K2 Productions’ official recruitment and marketing arm, Chase the Crown.
“Basically, I had to give him head and other ‘sexual favors’ if I wanted to be on the cover of the magazine,” Blake claimed to Jezebel. She said Rodriguez explained this was the “‘fast track’ that 90 percent of all successful actors and models took to the top.”
Talking to Jezebel, Rodriquez denied asking her for a oral sex but did say he told Blake he knew a magazine where “young ladies can get on the cover if they do some type of sexual favors with the people at the magazine,” and that one girl who took that option is “doing very well.”
She then went to the local Police Department but in vain, as she couldn’t file criminal charges against Rodriquez, as legally he had not forced her to perform a sex act.
Blake later contacted Chase the Crown about the incident where she learnt that Rodriguez was relieved of his recruitment responsibilities.
The Miss Universe Organization has not publicly responded to this lawsuit.