Lucknow, July 1 (ANI): The BJP on Tuesday staged a protest in Lucknow against the “unlawful and unwarranted” police action on its youth workers and demanded dismissal of the Samajwadi Party (SP) led government in Uttar Pradesh. BJP’s District head, Manohar Singh said the party will submit a memorandum to the Governor of the state, Aziz Qureshi, seeking dismissal of the SP government. Earlier on Monday Police had fired water cannons and baton charged the youth workers of BJP, protesting against Samajwadi Party (SP) government over deteriorating law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh. The irate youth workers of BJP came out in droves to protest outside the state assembly in Lucknow and shouted anti-government slogans.
BJP demands dismissal of SP government in UP over ‘unlawful’ police action
July 1, 2014 •