Actress Aackruti Nagpal who had made her entry in Akshay kumar’s block buster movie “Holiday’ has made a short film “DAILY RAPE” with her partner Dhruv Karan Mehta on sex without women’s concern which is RAPE in itself.
The Film Daily rape is about a woman whose marriage is nothing but episodes of horror created by her husband; it has picked up one small incident to showcase her pain, her agony, her fight and her decision to rise above herself.
Aackruti is an actress, writer, social activist and working with N.G.O “India for women “, she is black belt in karate (shotokant style).
She says “It’s a high time with a number of increasing rape cases in Delhi, Mumbai and other places in India. We women should act and raise our voices .we must do something for the society to get our safety alarm heard by all. Blame game will only lead to more crime. Accepting injustice is being part of doing injustice. If we women want security we have to empower ourselves.†She strictly supports SELF defense in each and every schools in INDIA.
Gujrati Girl Aackruti Nagpal is a Grand Daughter of FREEDOM fighter VITTHALDAS PANCHOTIA who was also a Veteran silent film maker. She says, “I am PROUD to be Indian I would love to work for our Indian women empowerment. IT RUNS IN my blood TO fight FOR MY RIGHTS. I have always been a true believer in the power of every individual, especially every girl.†FIGHT FOR YOUR OWN RIGHTS. It’s her agenda and working for such pained women is her PURPOSE OF LIFE. She is planning to make more such films for YouTube and big cinema. We wish her luck and support.
Watch the Film below