New Delhi, July 1 (ANI): The first cut-off list of Delhi University for its undergraduate courses released on Tuesday. This is for the third time when the cut-off has touched the 100 per cent mark for admission in three colleges to their B.Sc (Computer Science) course. After much delay due to the row over the controversial four-year undergraduate programme (FYUP), admissions to academic session 2014-15 will begin on Wednesday much to the relief of over 2.7 lakh students who applied this year. Acharya Narendra Dev, ARSD and Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College have posed a stiff competition with its 100 per cent cut-off for the computer science programme for non-science aspirants.
DU announces first cut-off list, 100 per cent required for 3 colleges
July 1, 2014 •