Mumbai: A Flashmob organized by Employees of Capgemini at Mumbai has gone viral on Internet with around 30,000 views till date. The Flashmob was organized by few employees on the occasion of Jashn 2014, Capegemini’s annual festival.
Nearly 40-50 employees started dancing to the tunes Sunny Leone’s Song Baby Doll from Ragini MMS 2 at Capgemini’s Office Cafeteria. It was followed by several other Bollywood numbers and Gangnam Style.
A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails. Flashmob has been regularly witnessed in various Metro cities. Usually it is performed at Malls, Public Places, Offices, Railway Stations etc. Some countries enforced strict laws for organizing Flash Mob.
If you cannot see the video above, watch it on Youtube.