Social Media divided over Zeeshan Khan’s Job Rejection Incident

Mumbai: Zeeshan Ali Khan of Mumbai has been trending on Twitter whole day today. The reason, he was denied employment opportunity to him because he follows Islam. After he revealed this discrimination on Facebook, there has been wide outrage. An FIR has been filed against Hare Krishna Exports Pvt Ltd, which rejected his job application on religious lines.

However Social Media appeared divided over his case. While everyone equivocally condemned his job rejection, many questioned the manner this issue was blown out of proportion. We tried to collect some of the tweets reflecting both sides of coin.

@FarazSalat: #ZeeshanKhan’s job application being rejected on the basis of his religion is a naked truth that many keep covering. #NationalShame

@SalmanSoz: Zeeshan Khan not alone in being rejected 4 a job bcoz of his religion. Happens across the religious divide. Point is 2 fight discrimination.

@DhruvTank10 Still trying to understand #ZeeshanKhan’s logic of questioning on TV, Modi’s inclusive growth agenda after a private firm refused him a job.

‏@murhari: #ZeeshanKhan links his plight to Modi and questions his inclusive development agenda in his @ibnlive interview. Narrative goes unchallenged.

And Finally:

There were people who cited other examples of religious discrimination.
