In an effort to woo Biharis living outside the state, BJP has plans to hold various Bihari Sammelans (Conference of People of Bihar) across the length and breadth of the country. The first such sammelan would be held on July 26 in Mumbai. Former Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi would be the Chief Guest at the Sammelan.
The Party has plans to hold similar sammelans in New Delhi, Surat and various other cities.
The idea behind such Bihari Sammelan is to woo the migrants living outside Bihar, who in turn may persuade their relatives in Bihar in favour of voting for BJP. Quite possibly, many might march in to Bihar in order to vote in Elections.
Bihar, which is considered one of the most politically active states, would witness assembly polls later this year. As dates are approaching parties are gearing up to woo maximum number of voters. With renewed political alignments, it has become very crucial battleground for both camps.
Parties are employing new strategies to woo voters. CM Nitish Kumar, who was once an open critic of Twitter, would be organizing #AskNitish Campaign on Twitter every Tuesday and Saturday. His Party has also started Har Ghar Dastak Campaign, where volunteers personally visit homes of voters and apprise them about the accomplishments of Nitish Kumar Government.