American State Governors inking ties with India

More and more American state governors are lining up to explore the Indian potential. The latest is from the coastal state of Delaware whose governor, Jack Markell, is seeking a “robust engagement” with India and plans to lead a delegation from his state there this year.

Markell expressed interest in boosting ties with India during a meeting earlier this week with Indian ambassador Nirupama Rao in the state capital of Dover, according to the Indian embassy here.

Joining the meeting, Delaware’s secretary of state, Jeffery Bullock, who had just returned from India from an exploratory visit, expressed confidence about India-US partnership, and referred to “immense potential” for cooperation derived from their shared values and interests.

US Senator from Delaware, Tom Carper, who was also present recalled his visit to India in April last year when he travelled there as part of a congressional delegation, the embassy said.

Earlier, Rao discussed opportunities to expand business linkages, including technology transfer and capacity building in agro-industry, and poultry with a group of prominent agriculturists, poultry farmers and business representatives of Delaware, which is considered the cradle of poultry industry in the US.

The interaction was attended by the US undersecretary of agriculture, Michael Escuse, who is from Delaware and earlier

served as the state’s secretary of agriculture.

Rao was introduced to the group by the other senator from Delaware, Chris Coons, a member of the Senate India Caucus, who had invited the ambassador to visit the state to explore deeper trade, business, academic and people-to-people exchanges between India and Delaware.

In a keynote address on India-US relations at the University of Delaware, Newark, Rao praised it for its excellent research traditions and for building bridges of understanding between India and the US.