Veteran film actress and Queen of Yesteryears, Rekha took oath as a member of the Rajya Sabha today. The actor, who was nominated by the President to the Upper House, also met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh before taking oath.
Clad in golden brown saree and a matching high-heel sandals, the 57-year-old actor of yesteryears arrived in the Upper House at 10.57 hours and was immediately surrounded by members who greeted her profusely.
A leading actress of the Hindi film industry in the 1970s and 1980s, Rekha took her oath in English. Wearing a golden silk sari, she sat in the upper house till halfway through question hour.
Renowned journalist and nominated member H K Dua offered her his seat no. 97 and was seen explaining the procedure before Chairman Hamid Ansari took his seat.
Rekha was nominated to the upper house along with social worker Anu Aga and cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. While Aga was sworn in Sunday during a special sitting of parliament, Tendulkar is expected to take oath Wednesday, according to sources.