ePanchayat System introduced by the Government of India aims to streamline the functioning of Panchayat Government by the effective use of Information Technology. It has been introduced in  0.235 million Gram Panchayats, 6094 Block Panchayats and 633 Zilla Panchayats.
Named as e Panchayat Mission Mode Project (MMP), it promotes the use of IT  in Village Panchayats for automating their internal workflow processes for better functioning and delivery of citizen services leading to increased transparency and accountability.
Under this program ,Eleven Core Common applications are installed at all ePanchayats that address all aspects of Panchayats’ functioning like  internal core functions such as Planning, Monitoring, Implementation, Budgeting, Accounting, Social Audit or citizen service delivery like issue of certificates, licenses etc.
Further certain services will be provided online such as pension, house tax, and birth and death certificates issuance.
Additionally, there will be Business Process Re-engineering of the services provided by Panchayats so that the process of receiving any demanded service is greatly simplified.
There will bring improved transparency in the workings of the panchayat with Panchayat data made available on the Internet.
So far ePanchayat MMP has not been much successful. The Government never provided explicit funds of this project. Various States have however utilized the extra funds from other schemes for implementing ePanchayat MMP, but no much success has been achieved till now.