Bollywood actress and dancer Anjanaa B has been signed on for a Hollywood film. While not much information is available right now, bollywood and news portal reported that the hot Bengali bombshell who acted in films like Zilla Gaziabad, Right Ya Wrong, Chashme Baddoor and has done ad films like Vithoba dantmanjan, Nmart, Zalim lotion, Kabjamrut, etc., recently did a special photo shoot or look test for a Hollywood director David S Wolfe who was in Mumbai to sign on two actors. Anjanaa whose real name is slightly different, also recently tweaked her name on Wolfe’s advice, as the director felt her original name was not “hot enough”.
Anjanaa B has also featured in a Bhojpuri film Ee Mati Mein Sab Kuch Kathe in which she played the lead female role. She has also been doing theater for the last 5 years and has acted in plays like Uncle Samjha Karo, See No Evil Hear No Evil and Get rid of my Wife. The proposed Hollywood film has excerpts of the Kamasutra entwined into its script and will have ample doses of steamy or bold scenes, which will be very aesthetically shot in locales like Scotland, Thailand and in southern parts of India including Goa and Pondicherry, sources said.David Wolfe of Weeping Shadow Films from Sussex, Great Britain also met with a well-known Bollywood hero – whose name has been kept under wraps as his artiste agreement has still to be registered with the concerned authorities. But it seems, the young actor is known for his muscular body and physique and has featured in 4-5 Bollywood films including one with John Abraham.
Sources told that the film is titled Love and Passion in India and will feature Anjanaa B, a well-known Bollywood hero and another Indian model as well as two female Hollywood actors, the names of whom are not yet released. We managed to track down Wolfe at his hotel at Juhu in suburban Mumbai before he could fly out of India, but his lips were sealed. All that he shared after a lot of coaxing was, “I am casting for the film Love and Passion in India and we are looking for a known Bollywood star to play the main lead. We have zeroed in on Anjanaa B for the female main lead and I will be back to Mumbai within a week to complete the formalities. The film does include a few bold scenes, but I can’t reveal much at this stage,†Wolfe said.