Scientist begin Search for Dark Universe at CERN physics research center

Switzerland: After a two year hiatus, scientists in Switzerland at Europe’s physics research center, CERN, started up the “Big Bang” Large Hadron Collider – or LHC – once more.

The LHC at CERN would carry out mini versions of the Big Bang primordial blast

The LHC at CERN would carry out mini versions of the Big Bang primordial blast

They’re embarking on a probe into the “dark universe” that they believe lies beyond the visible one.

Researchers say particle beams were successfully pushed around the LHC in both directions — welcome news after a two-year shutdown for a major refit that doubled its power.

The revamped LHC can smash particles together at almost the speed of light and will enable scientists to reach into the unknown.

Scientists hope the new and improved LHC will produce evidence of what’s been dubbed “New Physics.”

CERN’s Head of Beams Department Paul Collier says several tasks remain before particle collisions — mini versions of the Big Bang primordial blast that some believe brought the universe into being — are carried out.

“What next? We have to continue to correct a little bit the trajectory to make the beam do now multiple turns. Then we can start capturing with the RF system. But in the meantime, we will try the other beam, the other direction, and try to get that to the same stage.”

It will be two months before particle collisions begin and at least a year more before any results can be expected.
