Senator Rand Paul attacks Hillary Clinton over her Women Rights Record

Washington: Senator Rand Paul, who recently announced his candidature for Presidential Elections, has raised doubts it Hillary Clinton would appeal to women voters. He criticized her for accepting contributions to her charity from countries with tragic record in Women Rights.

Rand Paul is a Republican Presidential Candidate

Rand Paul is a Republican Presidential Candidate

“She’s taken money from countries that abuse the rights of women. In Saudi Arabia, a woman was raped by seven men. The woman was then publicly whipped and then she was arrested for being in the car with an unmarried man. I think we should be boycotting that activity, not encouraging it,” he told CBS’s Face the Nation.

“[Clinton] accepted money from Brunei also where they stone women to death for adultery,” Paul added.

“It’s going to be hard for her to say she’s for women’s rights when she’s accepting money from stone age sort of regimes that really abuse the rights of women.”

Clinton is expected to officially open her campaign later on Sunday as her party’s prohibitive front runner in the 2016 election race.
