Agra Eve teasing Victim Sadhvi Pandey praises SP leader, calls UP police worse

Agra, May 19 (ANI): Sadhvi Pandey, the 23-year-old Agra girl who showed great courage against eve-teasing by a SP leader’s bodyguard, said that the latter has assured her of justice and that she do not want the topic to go any further.

Also Read: 23 Year Old Sadhvi Pandey shows the World how to deal with Eve Teasers

Sadhvi Pandey said that she has no purpose to defame the party leader and he matter is over for them. She said that they broke her sister’s phone and that is why she was agitated.

Also Read: Eve-teased by SP leader’s bodyguard, 23-year old Girl challenges him, jumps on his car and breaks windshield

Further, she also maintained that UP police is worst and that they never help the people in need.

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