Ever since liquor ban has been enforced in Bihar, the Crime Rate has gone down drastically. According to the data compiled by State Police, the figures of all major crimes have witnessed a negative trajectory since the complete liquor ban was enforced in the state on April 5 this year.
As per the records, the number of Rape cases registered in the state during April 2016 was 59, compared to 112 in April 2015, indicating an approx. 50% decline. The figures of extortion, kidnapping, murders, accidents show similar trend. The number of atrocities against women reduced by 13.32 per cent (from 398 to 345).
The number of atrocities against SC and ST slid by 45.09%, from 499 in April 2015 to to 274 in April 2016.
Other inferences from the Crime Statistics are as follows:
1. Murder cases fell from 276 in April 2015 to 206 in April 2016, a decline of 25.36 per cent,
2. As per data, a total of 12 persons were kidnapped for ransom in April 2015, while the number declined to one in April this year.
3. The number of dacoities fell from 39 to 23 this April, a decline of 41.03 per cent, as per police headquarters data.
4. The number of loot cases declined from 138 in April 2015 to 96 in April 2016, a fall of 30.43 per cent.
5. A total of 1,118 minor riot cases were logged in April 2015, which reduced to 684 in April 2016, a sharp decline of 38.82%.
6. Similarly, the number of road accidents has witnessed a decline of 17.62 per cent from 840 in April 2015 to 692 in April 2016
7. Burglary reduced by 2.40 per cent (from 333 to 325).