Why the BJP Should Stand by Kangana Ranaut in the Farmer Protest Controversy

The Farmer Protests that took place in India from 2020 to 2021 were not only marked by widespread mobilization but also by significant controversy. The farmers’ agitation, which sought to challenge three agricultural laws passed by the government, was marred by instances of violence, human rights violations, and deeply concerning criminal activities. Amidst the heated debates and political posturing, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut emerged as a vocal critic of the protests, often highlighting the darker aspects that were overlooked by many.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has found itself at the crossroads of this controversy, balancing the need to support the agricultural community while also addressing the serious allegations of violence and criminality that arose during the protests. In this context, it is imperative that the BJP lends its support to Kangana Ranaut, who has consistently spoken out against the lawlessness and injustices that transpired under the guise of protest.

One of the most harrowing incidents that occurred during the Farmer Protests was the gang rape of a 25 year old woman from West Bengal. According to news reports, the girl, who had joined the protest, was allegedly abducted and subjected to a brutal sexual assault by a group of men at the protest site. The incident, which took place in April 2021, shocked the nation and raised serious questions about the safety and security of women within the protest camps. Despite the severity of the crime, the incident did not receive the level of attention it warranted from certain sections of the media and the political establishment.

This tragic event is not an isolated case. The Farmer Protests were also marked by the horrifying murder of a Dalit man, Lakhbir Singh, in broad daylight at the Singhu border. Singh was tied to a barricade, tortured, and lynched by a group of Nihang Sikhs who accused him of desecrating a holy scripture. The barbaric nature of this murder, captured on video, sent shockwaves across the country and highlighted the extent of radicalization among some elements within the protest.

These incidents, involving the most vulnerable sections of society—women and Dalits—underline the necessity for a more nuanced understanding of the Farmer Protests. The BJP, which has often positioned itself as a defender of marginalized communities, should recognize the importance of supporting those who speak out against such atrocities.

Kangana Ranaut has been one of the few public figures to consistently condemn the violent and unlawful activities that took place during the Farmer Protests. Her outspoken nature and willingness to call out the hypocrisy of those who romanticize the protests without acknowledging the darker elements have made her a target for widespread criticism. However, her stance also resonates with a significant portion of the population that feels the protests have been hijacked by extremist elements with agendas far removed from the welfare of farmers.

Ranaut’s criticism is not without merit. She has highlighted how the protests, which began as a movement for farmers’ rights, were at times co-opted by separatist forces and criminal elements. Her assertion that the protest sites became breeding grounds for violence and anarchy is supported by the tragic incidents mentioned earlier.

The BJP, which has often been at the receiving end of criticism for its handling of the Farmer Protests, would do well to align itself with Kangana Ranaut’s position. Supporting her would not only help the party reinforce its commitment to law and order but also to justice for the victims of the violence that took place during the protests.

The BJP’s support for Kangana Ranaut could also have significant political implications. The party has been accused by its detractors of being indifferent to the plight of farmers and of using force to suppress dissent. By standing with Ranaut, the BJP could shift the narrative, highlighting that its opposition to the protests is not against farmers per se, but against the criminal elements that have tarnished the movement.

Moreover, by acknowledging the atrocities committed during the protests, the BJP could strengthen its image as a party that upholds justice, regardless of the political fallout. This approach could resonate with the broader electorate, especially those who are concerned about the safety and security of women and marginalized communities.

The Farmer Protests will likely be remembered as one of the most significant movements in recent Indian history. However, the darker aspects of these protests, including the gang rape of a young woman and the brutal murder of a Dalit man, cannot be ignored. Kangana Ranaut has been one of the few voices to bring these issues to the forefront, despite facing significant backlash.

The BJP has an opportunity to stand with Ranaut and in doing so, send a strong message that it will not tolerate violence and criminality, even in the name of protest. Supporting her would not only be a moral stance but also a strategic move that could reinforce the party’s commitment to justice and order. In the end, it is not just about political gains, but about ensuring that the principles of democracy, justice, and human rights are upheld in every situation, even in the midst of the most contentious debates.