Arvind Kejriwal, leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), has announced a significant welfare initiative ahead of the upcoming Delhi elections. If AAP secures victory, priests of temples and granthis of gurdwaras will receive a monthly honorarium of ₹18,000. This initiative seeks to honor their spiritual contributions and efforts in preserving India’s rich cultural and religious heritage.
The scheme’s registration process will kick off at the iconic Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place, where Kejriwal himself will oversee the proceedings. The AAP leader has also appealed to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) not to obstruct this initiative, hinting at alleged past instances of BJP interference in AAP’s welfare schemes.
This announcement is part of AAP’s broader electoral strategy to connect with significant voter segments in Delhi, including temple priests (pandits) and Sikh granthis. These communities hold considerable influence in the capital’s socio-political landscape. The move follows a series of welfare measures by AAP aimed at women, Dalits, and senior citizens, reinforcing the party’s pro-people image.
Kejriwal described the proposed honorarium not as a salary but as a gesture of respect for individuals who dedicate their lives to religious and spiritual service. By addressing the needs of these communities, AAP aims to further strengthen the cultural and spiritual fabric of the city.
This initiative is noteworthy as no other political party in India has previously announced a similar financial support scheme for temple priests and gurdwara granthis. AAP’s move positions it as a trailblazer in social welfare, especially for individuals engaged in religious service.
Kejriwal’s announcement also raises questions about the inclusivity of the scheme. While it targets Hindu and Sikh religious figures only, it is worth noting that AAP already has a scheme in place for imams, showcasing some level of religious inclusivity.
The timing of this announcement highlights the intensifying political rivalry in Delhi. Kejriwal’s pointed remarks about BJP’s alleged past attempts to hinder AAP’s welfare initiatives underscore the contentious nature of Delhi’s electoral politics. By introducing this unique scheme, AAP aims to not only garner votes but also set a benchmark in religious and cultural recognition.
As Delhi gears up for elections, this proposal has the potential to resonate deeply with targeted voter groups while further sharpening the battle lines between AAP and BJP. Whether it will translate into electoral success remains to be seen, but it undeniably reflects AAP’s commitment to blending social welfare with cultural appreciation.