Women more active on Social Networks compared to men

women on phoneIt is official, Women spend more time on Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus,  compared to their male counterparts across the world.

Females age 15 and older spend more time social networking than their male counterparts.  In North America and Europe, women spent an average of nearly two hours (30 percent) more than men on social networking sites last year.

Latin America saw both females and males average the most hours on social networking sites globally, with females averaging 8.2 hours social networking in October and males averaging 6.9 hours.

In India the Social networking usage of men is relatively higher compared to women, but women are fast catching up. On an average and Indian Urban Women spends 12 hours per month on the social networks.

Women spend more time in chatting , fashion and lifestyle while Men are inclined towards technology, politics and sex. Indian Housewives are more active on Internet compared to teenagers.