When is Teachers Day Celebrated in Different Countries ?

Teachers’ Day  is celebrated on different dates across the World and is celebrated throughout the year.  These are  intended to be special days for the appreciation of teachers.  Almost 100 Countries celebrate it on October 5 which happens to be World Teachers Day. Below we present the dates of  Teacher’s Days in selected countries which deserve importance.

India  September 5

The birth date  of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is considered as the Teacher’s Day in India. It is a “celebration” day, where teachers and students report to school as usual but the usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance. At some schools on this day, the responsibility of teaching is taken up by the senior students to show appreciation for their teachers.

Another day set aside for commemorating teachers in India and Nepal is Guru Purnima, also called ‘Ashad sukla purnima’. It typically falls in mid-July.

Australia  Last Friday of October

On Australia’s celebration of World Teachers’ Day, the NEiTA Foundation and the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) is proud to announce the national teaching recipients of the ASG Community Merit Awards. World Teachers’ Day was started by UNESCO and is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world each year. On its 40th anniversary this year, it represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding, and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education.

United States Tuesday of First Full Week of May

Around 1944 Wisconsin teacher Ryan Krug began corresponding with political and education leaders about the need for a national day to honor teachers. Woodbridge wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt who in 1953 persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day. NEA along with its Kansas and Indiana state affiliates and the Dodge City (Kan. ) local lobbied Congress to create a national day celebrating teachers. in March until 1985, when the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May. The NEA Representative Assembly then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day.

Turkey November 24

In the Memory of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Mustafa thought and stated that “The new generation will be created by teachers.” . Atatürk was also considered as the Prime Teacher because he adopted a new alphabet for the newly founded Turkish Republic in 1923.

Nepal Full Moon Day of Ashad

The full moon day is also called ‘Ashad sukla purnima’ and the day usually falls in mid-July. Teacher’s day is called “Guru Purnima” in Nepali.

Malaysia May 16

This date was chosen because on the same day in 1956, the Federal Legislative Council of the Federation of Malaya endorsed the Razak Report, one of four reports of the Education Committee regarding education in Malaysia. The document, known as the Razak Report after Tun Abdul Razak who was Education Minister at the time, has been the basis of education in Malaysia ever since. Although it is not an official school holiday, celebrations are usually held on May 16, or earlier, if it falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

China September 10

In the People’s Republic of China (PRC), there are some activities for students to show their appreciation to teachers, such as presenting gifts, including cards and flowers. In addition, many former students will go back to their old middle schools and high schools to give presents to their old teachers.

Brazil  October 15

A decree regulating the elementary schools in Brazil. The celebration gained popularity throughout the country, and October 15 was officially designated Teachers’ Day in 1963.

World Teachers Day October 5

World Teachers’ Day, held annually on October 5th since 1994, commemorates teachers’ organizations worldwide. Over 100 countries observe their Teachers’ Day on this very day.

According to UNESCO, World Teachers’ Day represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development.