News Week South Asia (Program) – 02 Oct, 2017

02 Oct, 2017 – News Week South Asia

Newsweek South Asia is a weekly current affairs report on Strategic issues in South Asia. It’s exclusive mandate is to expose terrorism in South Asia with a specialised focus on the terror groups like the LeT, JuD, Jaish e Mohammad and how they morph in order to hide their identities. The proliferation of Terror Camps in Pakistan and the support these groups receive is an ongoing theme of the program as it aims to sensitise a global audience about these terror factories and their impact on humanity not only in South Asia but across the World.

After America was devastated by the 9/11 terror attacks and the terror trail led to Afghanistan and Pakistan the audiences across the World sought a weekly update on terror related issues so that the World could name and shame the sponsors of this dark game. It is this mandate which Newsweek South Asia aims to fulfill by going into the darkest corners of Pakistan and Afghanistan and exposing those who plot evil against Humanity.

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

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